DNA Testing for Canadian Immigration Process

Receive the necessary evidence to satisfy the immigration requirements

DNA Diagnostics Center EDC is the leading DNA testing laboratory for SCC (Standards Council of Canada) Immigration Sponsorship & Citizenship in Canada. EDC testing laboratory ensures a full service starting from the first phone call, promptly delivered results and DNA-collection coordination, with more than 20 years of experience in DNA testing for immigration purposes.

The Immigration Refugees & Citizenship Canada (IRCC) accepts DNA testing as evidence for relationship between a parent and a child or between siblings only from laboratories approved by SCC.

It has been proven that Immigration DNA testing helps to expedite the whole process of sponsorship/citizenship application approval.

As soon as you make a phone call and a partial payment, our Immigration Case Managers will help you by quickly organising DNA collection at the visa office (for a sponsorship application) or the consular mission (for a citizenship application) of the tested family member. No other laboratory has more experience with Immigration DNA testing than EDC. DNA Diagnostics Center EDC has more than 3,500 collection sites in 165 countries.


Getting Started

Once you receive a DNA Letter from the IRCC, EDC Diagnostics Center makes the DNA testing process simple for you. Our specialized Immigration Team has worked with immigration authorities, visa offices, applicants and family members all around the world for more than twenty years.


Requirements for IRCC

  • Applicant shall contact the laboratory directly and provide them with the IRCC DNA letter
  • EDC will explain to the applicant the whole DNA sample collection process and ensure that all SCC protocols are followed during this sample collection stage
  • Canadian visa office will collect the DNA sample from the family member in compliance with SCC protocols and will ship the samples back to EDC by using the quickest and most reliable means of delivery

Once the testing is finished, EDC ships the DNA testing results directly to the respective immigration office (usually the IRCC) and to the applicant by post or courier


The First Three Steps

  1. You will receive paperwork (for example, a DNA letter) from IRCC or other authority requesting DNA proof for a relationship between the sponsor/applicant and a family member
  2. Then you should call EDC to initiate DNA testing and thereafter let our specialists help you to get through the process. We will provide you with all the necessary information and answer all of your questions.
  3. Then you should send the necessary paperwork and contact information to EDC Diagnostics Center. You will also have to make an advance payment to initiate the process and request the samples to be collected


We will then send to the respective Canadian visa office or consular mission in the foreign country the applicant’s information and a DNA sample collection kit. The visa office or consular mission organises the beneficiary’s sample collection appointment in the foreign country (this could take a longer period of time). In case the petitioner resides within Canada, EDC  arranges sample collection at one of our many convenient sites.


At the sample collection all applicants shall:

  • Provide two recent photos
  • Present documents to prove their identity

Sign a release and consent form that authorizes the laboratory to share the DNA test results with the IRCC


Thereafter, the sample collection sites will return the samples to EDC testing laboratory. As soon as all the necessary samples are received, we will perform the DNA testing within 2-9 working days, depending on the type of relationship to be tested.

We will send the DNA testing results and a clear explanation about the results obtained to the respective requesting office (IRCC) and the applicant. (Please remember that we can only release the test results only when the balance amount has been fully paid.)


Why is EDC the best option?

EDC is the most reliable immigration testing laboratory worldwide, it has helped thousands of families. Since 1995 EDC has been among the laboratories accredited by AABB. Furthermore, it complies with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and the conditions for accreditation established by SCC regarding parentage and other familial-relationship testing. Our mission is to provide results promptly and we offer to our customers expedited appointments and overnight shipping. We ensure that you will receive the IRCC standard for paternity, maternity and sibling testing results (99.8% or higher for parentage). In the case you need financial assistance, EDC is the only laboratory that offers a 90-day postponed payment schedule.

Call us now to get started

You can also profit from our network of Canadian and International DNA collection sites. We have the biggest network of certified laboratories in North America, therefore it is not difficult to find a convenient location close to your residence.