DNA Diagnostics Center takes part in several voluntary accreditation programs in order to ensure scientific validity of our testing methods, the professional competencies of our researchers and technical specialists, and the accuracy of our results. These highly rated compliance programs approve the reliability of our equipment, the qualifications of our laboratory employees and the soundness of our testing methods and standard operating procedures.

ANAB ISO/IEC 17025 (formerly ACLASS)
ANAB is an international laboratory accreditation organization and is signatory of the IAF and IAAC multilateral cooperative arrangements (MLAs). Through the IAF, ILAC, IAAC, and APLAC MRAs/MLAs and the Multilateral Cooperative Accreditation Arrangement, ANAB cooperates with other accreditation bodies all around the world ensuring that accredited certificates are recognized at the national and international level. ISO/IEC 17025 is the international standard established to ensure the technical competency of laboratories and to cover each aspect of laboratory management, including, inter alia, sample preparation, analytical testing proficiency, record keeping and report preparation.

ASCLD/LAB – International
The American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory accreditation board is the most rigorous accreditation program for forensic DNA laboratories. EDC has the distinction of receiving accreditation after the first inspection in 2005 — this is another evidence for our laboratory’s unwavering commitment to provide our clients with all-round excellence.

College of American Pathologists (CAP)
The CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program is recognized by the federal government as being equal to or more rigorous that the government’s own laboratory inspection program. EDC has maintained its accreditation under the CAP program since 2004. In addition to on-site laboratory inspection, CAP accreditation requires laboratories to participate in its Proficiency Testing Program in which CAP sends samples to the laboratory 3 times a year for DNA testing and evaluates the laboratory’s results. DNA Diagnostics Center has participated in the proficiency program since 2004 and has had 100% accuracy results with the expected relationship interpretation on all testings.

New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH)
The NYSDOH certification allows laboratories to perform DNA tests on cases originating from New York. The New York State Department of Health rigorously inspects the entire testing service, including processes performed outside the laboratory, for example, for a chain of custody and patient referrals.

Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)
The CLIA accreditation issued by the US Department of Health ensures that the laboratory results are delivered in a timely, accurate, and reliable manner. DNA Diagnostics Center was accredited by CLIA over 19 years ago.

Standards Council of Canada (SCC)
The SCC is Canada’s national accreditation body. As SCC accreditation is based on internationally recognized criteria (ISO/IEC 17025:2005), SCC accreditation provides confidence and credibility both in Canada and abroad. The Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) lists EDC/DNA Diagnostics Center as an approved laboratory, and accepts results from laboratories accredited by SCC. Laboratories are not required to have testing facilities in Canada to be accredited by SCC, and laboratories like EDC may carry out DNA testing and retain personal information also outside of Canada.

National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia (NATA)
NATA is a national organization that provides the independent assurance of the technical competence of a laboratory meeting according to international and Australian standards. The NATA accreditation provides a foundation of confidence in EDC’s ability to provide consistently reliable and accurate testing results. EDC adheres to both the Australian Family Law Act Regulations 1984 and the international ISO/IEC 17025 standards.

ISO 9001
EDC is assessed by three different and independent accrediting organizations, using technical experts in the field, to the ISO/IEC 17025 international standards for the technical competence of calibration and testing laboratories. By meeting the strict ISO/IEC 17025 standards, the EDC quality management system is also in compliance with the ISO-9001:2000 requirements.