Bird DNA Sexing
Avian DNA Gender Determination (bird sexing) is a non-surgical tool used by veterinarians, breeders, and bird owners who otherwise cannot determine the gender of their bird by its physical appearance or characteristics.
DNA testing can be performed on blood cards or feathers for many different species. We use PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) to detect the presence of male and female chromosomes in the bird’s DNA. You can collect a sample by clipping the bird’s toenail (blood card), or you can pluck feathers from the bird’s breast. Collection kits can easily be put together at home by following our Blood Card or Feather DIY kit instructions. You will need Acrobat Reader to view and print these files.
We will email the owner a detailed DNA certificate showing the bird’s ID information and gender within 5 business days of receipt of the samples. (See sample certificate)