Child(ren) to be tested 1 2 (+$90) 3 (+$180) 4 (+$270) 5 (+$360) 6 (+$450)
Sample kit shipping options Standard 3-4 days delivery (Free) Standard 3-4 days delivery with tracking (+$12) Next buisness day (UPS/Fedex) (+$55) Africa/Asia (DHL Express) (+$55) I will send my own DNA sample collection kit
Analysis results delivery options Results by email only (Free) Results by letter only (+$10) Results by email and letter (+$10)
Would you like the mother to be tested? No yes
Sample collection options for the child(dren) Buccal swab sample (Free) Blood on filter paper* (Also called whatman, matrix or parchment) *Less than 60 Days old (+$90) Bone marrow (Fresh* or Frozen - No marrow on slides or in paraffin) *Collected within 30 days (+$90) Semen (Frozen vial, sperm bank or fresh swab) (+$90) Blood stain on fabric (Include bandages, gauze and facial tissues (Kleenex) or naokins) (+$90) Fingernail/Nail clippings (Need 5-10 clippings) (+$90) Diabetic test strips (Need 5-6 strips) (+$90) Ear swab (+$90) Fetal demise (Ref sample from M required; success increases with age of fetus - Detection of only maternal DNA possible (+$90) Semen stain on fabric (Area should be indicated on fabric; incl. bandages, gauze & tissues or naokins) (+$90) Umbilical cord (Dried, must have a reference sample from mother) (+$90) Hair with roots (Ensure roots are present (7-10 peices) - Shed or cut hair will not work) (+$90) Razor* (Electric, Disposable) *Send entire blade or disposable razor, debris canbe sent in envelope (+$90) Cigarette butts (+$90) Chewing gum (+$90) Mucus (Facial tissue like Kleenex, napkin or paper towel) (+$90) Condom (+$90) Toothbrush (+$90) Soda can, drinking glass, plastic container (+$90) Tampon/Feminine pad (+$90) Drinking straw (+$90) Envelope flaps (+$90) Bones from exhumed body (Forensic cases only) (+$90) Tooth (+$90) Bone (Femur or humorus bone, 3-4 inches in length use clean blade) (+$90)
Person(s) to be tested are located in another address? No Yes (Please indicate the second address in our form after payment)
Testing time once we receive your kit 2 business days 1 business day (Emergency) (+$50)
Possible aunt(s)-uncle(s) to be tested 1 2 (+$90) 3 (+$180)