Sample kit shipping options Standard 3-4 days delivery (Free) Standard 3-4 days delivery with tracking (+$12) Next buisness day (UPS/Fedex) (+$55) Africa/Asia (DHL Express) (+$55) I will send my own DNA sample collection kit
Analysis results delivery options Results by email only (Free) Results by letter only (+$10) Results by email and letter (+$10)
Would you like the mother to be tested? No yes
Person(s) to be tested are located in another address? No Yes (Please indicate the second address in our form after payment)
Testing time once we receive your kit 2 business days 1 business day (Emergency) (+$50)
Possible fraternal or identical twins to be tested 2 3 (+$90) 4 (+$180)
Sample collection options for the twins Buccal swab sample (Free) Blood on filter paper* (Also called whatman, matrix or parchment) *Less than 60 Days old (+$90) Bone marrow (Fresh* or Frozen - No marrow on slides or in paraffin) *Collected within 30 days (+$90) Semen (Frozen vial, sperm bank or fresh swab) (+$90) Blood stain on fabric (Include bandages, gauze and facial tissues (Kleenex) or naokins) (+$90) Fingernail/Nail clippings (Need 5-10 clippings) (+$90) Diabetic test strips (Need 5-6 strips) (+$90) Ear swab (+$90) Fetal demise (Ref sample from M required; success increases with age of fetus - Detection of only maternal DNA possible (+$90) Semen stain on fabric (Area should be indicated on fabric; incl. bandages, gauze & tissues or naokins) (+$90) Umbilical cord (Dried, must have a reference sample from mother) (+$90) Hair with roots (Ensure roots are present (7-10 peices) - Shed or cut hair will not work) (+$90) Razor* (Electric, Disposable) *Send entire blade or disposable razor, debris canbe sent in envelope (+$90) Cigarette butts (+$90) Chewing gum (+$90) Mucus (Facial tissue like Kleenex, napkin or paper towel) (+$90) Condom (+$90) Toothbrush (+$90) Soda can, drinking glass, plastic container (+$90) Tampon/Feminine pad (+$90) Drinking straw (+$90) Envelope flaps (+$90) Bones from exhumed body (Forensic cases only) (+$90) Tooth (+$90) Bone (Femur or humorus bone, 3-4 inches in length use clean blade) (+$90)